torsdag 17 september 2015


Next interior trend bug is the butterfly again. I have made an unique cushion, this is
short off-white velvet on one side that I have made textile decoupage on and then hand embroidery.

On the other cushion side I have handpainted a thick cotton canvas and then made freestyle embroidery
with various silk threads and also metallic threads for lustre and used various stitches. 

Here you can see both sides. Unique and also for sale! Measures 500 by 400 millimeters.
Feather inside pillow.

I also made this cushion recently for a friend in Josef Franks Ekvatorn (Equator) linen fabric.
650 by 400 millimeters.

Pick your choice from which side of the cushion you like the best :-)


FRONT: Measures 450 by 300 millimeters. Best quality commercial linen handprinted, hand embroidered
with DMC yarn and silk treads, czech glass beads and handpainted with textile pens. UNIQUE!
BACK: Various silk yarns. Unique hand embroidered and painted best quality linen.

Detail of embroidery and glass bead embroidery. For sale.

More detail from cushion, handprinted and hand embroidery. various stitches and knots.


Sytt en häftig kudde i Christian Lacroix höstkollektion 2015, tyget heter Pantigre.
I luxuöst silke och viscosetyg. 65 x 40 cm. Till salu! Fantastisk lyster i tyget!
Made a cushion in the latest Christian Lacroix fabric Pantigre.
In fabulous silk/viscose fabric with such a lustre. Measures 650 by 400 millimeters. For sale!

Baksidan har ett annat kontrasterande Designer´s Guild Maitland texturtyg. Unik! Endast detta exemplar!
The back of the cushion has soft Designer´s Guild Maitland fabric. I have only made 1 so it is unique.
Let me know if you are interested!

Tog en av mina illustrationer i akvarell/tusch och klädde ett litet asklock samt ett vackert grönt textilband
Took one of my watercolors/ink illustrations and made a box lid and added a green textile ribbon


XXV=25 25 years gift for my Godson

Front side of the cushion

Had some fun painted on the card & wrapping as well

Jag har målat eget tyg och skapar unika och personifierade kuddar som jag freestyle broderar på.  Ovan är en kudde jag gjorde till min gudson och hans 25 års dag. 50 x 50 cm broderad med moulinégarn och silkestrådar. Min inspiration var kretskort och storstadsliv. Blev mycket uppskattat.

I have painted my own fabric this Summer and create unique personalized cushions that I do freestyle embroidery on. I made this for my Godson´s 25th birthday, it measures 500 x 500 millimeters and is embroidered with DMC yarn and various silk yarns and threads. My inspiration was circuit boards and urban living. Much appreciated!


Presentinslagning för en bröllopsgåva som jag hjälpte till med förra månaden. Det var en gåva som innehöll något från porslinsserien Berså av Stig Lindberg som brudparet samlar på. Därav designen där jag klippte ut gröna blad och trädde med en mix av olika garner och ett ljust grått sammetsband och klädde en presentkartong med en mix av papper, washitejp och tryckt cellofan.

Gift wrapping for a wedding gift I helped assemble last month. The gift was from the classic   "Berså" porcelain series by Swedish designer Stig Lindberg. I cut out green thick paper leaves as the design on the gift and dressed a box with paper, cellofan and wash tape and tied different silk yarns and velvet ribbon.