torsdag 21 mars 2013


Jag följer en spansk kvinnas blogg som jag hittade av en slump för något år sedan, hon är både fotograf och illustratör. Hon tar mycket sensuella bilder av vardagliga ting. Det kan vara pappersark, böcker, rep etc. Och så gör hon roliga collage av illustrationer och blad som hon ritar på. Här är länken:
Här har jag gjort mina egna efter att ha inspirerats av henne med akvarell och ProMarkers.

I follow a blog by a Spanish woman that I found by chance a few years ago, she is both a photographer and illustrator. She takes very sensual images of everyday objects. It can be paper, books, ropes, etc. And then she makes fun collage of illustrations and leaves that she draws on. Here is the link:
Here I have made ​​my own versions in watercolor and ProMarkers after being inspired by her.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks Liz, I'm excited! with this post you make me feel happy!!!
    A big big hello from Madrid,


  2. Hello Elena! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment! I really love to follow you on FB and the blog. And your work makes me always full of joy! Have a Happy Easter holiday! Stockholm where I live is still so full of snow and such cold temperatures.
