One part of my freestyling cross-stitch project I have been working on this Winter |
I got to enjoy all the beautiful Japanese cherry blossom this year as many others. At the Kings garden (Kungsträdgården) in the heart of Stockholm city, Sweden |
Happen to pass by this chestnut tree that was just bursting to come alive this Spring. Found at Spelbomskans torg near Odenplan, Stockholm Sweden |
Like an old classroom biography poster. I give you Chestnut tree! |
Beautiful Magnolias outside Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Blasieholmen, Stockholm, Sweden |
Nice city planting by Stockholm City, Lejonbacken by the Royal castle, Old Town, Stockholm, Sweden |
Primroses in vibrant colors that I planted on the balcony for all neighbors to enjoy. |
Älskar hur allt bara spricker ut och blommar och alla gröna vackra färgtoner i staden. I år har jag lyckats tima in alla vackra blomningar bra. Var i Västergötland i april och där var så vackra mossbelagda stenar i skogen, blåsipporna, vitsipporna, lungört, och den för mig nya pestskråpan som är en del av tussilagofamiljen och får blad som blir upp mot 150 cm långa på sommaren... som monster. Nu stod den där i rödbetsfärgade toner och små skira vita blommor, nästan som snökristaller.
Love this time of year and how everything just burst out and start blooming and all the beautiful green shades in the city. This year I have succeeded to time them all at their peak. Was in South West Sweden in April and there was so beautiful rocks full of moss in the forest innermost Scottish greens, blue anemones, wood anemones, lungwort, and for me the new Butterbur which is part of coltsfoot family and get leaves that can grow up to 150 cm long in Summer ... as monsters . Now it stood there in its beetroot purplish tones and small delicate white flowers, almost like snow crystals.
Found these cute furry balls which is a Clematis that gets smal delicate pink Clematis I was told. |
Just pure joy Spring green! |
They have turned to water on in the park river at Observatorielunden, Stockholm, Sweden |
Beautiful vibrant blue anemones! |
Pestskråp heter denna växt! The Butterbur plant which is an old healing herb |
Tiger lillies almost in bloom already at Kings garden (Kungsträdgården), Stockholm, Sweden |
Luscious green moss on Mösseberget in Falköping, Västergötland, south west Sweden |
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