lördag 30 maj 2015


Colourful Christian Lacroix Canopy wallpapers pieces in two different colors the Pantigre tiger
patterns material. Designers Guild, white with blue and black painted flowers.

Red suede for the back of a cushion, large piece of velvety grey and black&white stripes and the
beautiful silky rose patterns black & white from an older collection. All Designers Guild

Designers Guilds Stockholms agentur som vanligtvis inte är öppet för allmänheten men nu hade de öppet för att rea ut prov och utställningsprover. Jag älskar Designers Guild och gjort det i många, många år. Det fanns även Christian Lacroix viss kollektion. Så här är lite som jag hittade. Får se vad jag hittar på för skoj!
Nedan en illustration i mixed media som jag plåtat i olika perspektiv.

Designers Guild Stockholm agency which is not usually open to the public but now they opened for sale of samples and exhibition samples. I love Designers Guild and have done so in many, many years. There were also some Christian Lacroix collection. So here are some that I found. We will see what I can can create out of these!
Below is an mixed media illustration I have shot in various perspectives.

Detail from a mixed media illustration/dooding

Detail from a mixed media illustration/dooding

Detail from a mixed media illustration/dooding

Nästan hela målningen, eller det som är klart i varje fall.
Jag har nu klippt upp den och använder till personliga tack, grattis och andra kort.
Almost the whole illustration or what has been finished at least.
I have now cut it and make personalized Thank you and birthday cards.

tisdag 26 maj 2015


Strindbergshuset in enamel down at Rådmansgatans Tube/Metro station, Stockholm Sweden
Beautiful apple tree in blossom just south of Stockholm city

My backyard in magic sunset last week.

View from top floor in my apartment building at sunset

View from top floor in my apartment building at dusk a little bit later

Lush greens towards Solna, north of Stockholm city centre, this is Norra Kyrkogården (graveyard)

Stockholm underground/metro/tube is full of art. At Rådmansgatan artist Sture V Nilsson from 1983 
has made enamels all referring to August Strindberg (22 January 1849 – 14 May 1912) 
who was a Swedish playwright, novelist, poet, essayist and painter and

Observatorielunden, lush steep park with the Stockholm Public Library
and a skateboard park when the big fountain isn´t filled with water

söndag 24 maj 2015


Art Nouveau heaven at Centralbadet in Stockholm city
I love this beautiful Art Nouveau Spa in the very heart of Stockholm City which also have a
beautiful garden I sit and read in by the shade of the beautiful trees and shrubs in the Summer heat.

It was built in 1904 and refurbished and reopen in 1989 and I was lucky to be at the new opening.
Since 5 years it is a slightly rebuilt and a Spa and not just a beautiful pool in Stockholm.
More expensive but also lots of lovely treats, thermal baths, big comfy jacuzzi,
cold bath and lots of various saunas and also various treatments.

Detail from one of the staircase wood carved bannisters in typical Art Nouveau style

Old original stain glass window

The pool is in an ellipe shape and you swim round and round and beautiful serene music
is played in the background. Treat yourself!

lördag 23 maj 2015


Nu har jag broderat klart mitt broderiprojekt som egentligen varit Boot Camp för min hands motorik och smärthantering. Ska fixa lite sammet och göra en kudde av det. 
Tekoppen är delvis enligt ett mönster som jag hittade och jag utgick ifrån och sen har jag freestylat mig fram, haft en engelsk längtan och blomsterfröjd i sinnet och så blev det som det blev. Handgjort och unikt!

Finished my embroidery projects that actually has been a Boot Camp for my hand motor function and pain management. Will get some velvet and make a cushion out of it.
The teacup is partially from a pattern that I found and that I started from and then I free styled me further along the way, and had my constant English yearning and floral delight in the mind and it all ended up like this. Handcrafted and unique!

onsdag 6 maj 2015


Entrance to the Swedish Royal castle on Slottsbacken in Old Town.
Just a little saturation filter used to create the redish tone
Had some fun turning the Swedish Royal Palace looking more like an Indian castle. Dreamy!
Same photo as above but with lots of Saturation and color change and various filters.

Instagram filters bonanza! Photo becomes an illustration
Various filters used in Photoshop Elements 12
Original photo without any filters

När det var Kulturnatt för nästan 2 veckor sedan fotograferade jag ganska mycket med min iPhone4. Sedan jag fick iPhone har jag äntligen tyckt att det är kul att fotografera, försöker hitta nya vinklar och upptäckter i min vardag. Därför gillar jag verkligen Instagram och att följa andra spännande fotografer runt om i världen. Instagram tar mig på resor varje dag. Massor av min London dos som jag måste ha, på massor av olika sätt, följer arkitekturen, naturen, restauranger, street art, design, inredning, affärer och nästa sekund inspireras av konst från Saatchi gallery för i nästa sekund vara på Moma i NYC och vips vidare till helt crazy franska och tyska parkour killar som reser runt i världen och tar sig upp på ställen de inte får vara och gör fantastiska volter och verkar inte ha någon rädsla alls. Japan på flera sätt, tänk vad fantastiska parker de har där och belysningen i städerna är magnifik. Just varit på turné runt Australien med ett par som blivit sponsrade med en campingvan och som har tagit fantastiska bilder och träffat instagrammare som de i sin tur lärt känna hemifrån England där de vanligtvis bor och har kunnat tagit sig till platser de blivit förälskade i via Instagram. 
Jag följer inrednings och pyssel Instagram, franska kristallampsspecialister och textilare i Wales. För någon helg sedan hittade jag en bild i flödet som kändes så familjär... men fick inte ihop det i skallen... Haha, en av instagrammarna jag följer i London hade plötsligt tagit en Stockholms weekend och tagit en tur på Stockholms tunnelbanestationer som hon instagrammande.  Idag har jag sett en fantastisk vacker och romantisk bild från Hampstead i norra London från en trädgård så där brittiskt magiskt förförisk och med röda kamelior i full blom bland allt annat. Den gjorde mig lycklig.

When it was Stockholm Culture Night almost 2 weeks ago I photographed pretty much with my iPhone4. Since I got the iPhone I have finally found it fun to photograph, trying to find new angles and discoveries in my everyday life. Therefore, I really like Instagram and follow other exciting photographers around the world. Instagram takes me on trips every day. Lots of my London dose I must have, in lots of different ways, following the architecture, nature, restaurants, street art, design, interior design, business, and the next second I am inspired by art from the Saatchi Gallery and the next second I'll be at MOMA in NYC and swish I am on to the completely crazy French and German parkour guys who travel around the world and get up in really high buildings and places they should not be in and doing amazing flips and seems to have no fear at all. Japan in several ways, imagine what amazing parks they have there and the lights in cities are magnificent. 
Just been on tour around Australia with a couple who had been sponsored and given a camping van and who has taken amazing pictures and met Instagrammers, which they in turn come to know back where they are from home in England and have been getting to places they've fallen in love with via Instagram.
I follow interior decorating and crafts on Instagram, French chandelier makers and textile artists in Wales. A few weekends ago I found a picture in the Instagram flow that felt so familiar ... but could not work it out in my head ... Haha, one of Instagrammers I follow in London had suddenly taken a Stockholm weekend trip and taken a tour of Stockholm's subway stations that she put on Instagram.  Today I have seen an amazing beautiful and romantic image from Hampstead in North London from a garden that is so magically, seductive British and red camellias in full bloom among everything else. It made me feel so happy.

Looking towards Stockholm Grand Hotel to the right, as seen from the Royal Palace on Lejonbacken.

Sun is setting and the concrete lions are sniffing newly planted flowers by the city.

To the right is Sagerska Palatset where the Swedish Prime Minisster has his Residence.

söndag 3 maj 2015


One part of my freestyling cross-stitch project I have been working on this Winter

I got to enjoy all the beautiful Japanese cherry blossom this year as many others.
At the Kings garden (Kungsträdgården) in the heart of Stockholm city, Sweden

Happen to pass by this chestnut tree that was just bursting to come alive this Spring.
Found at Spelbomskans torg near Odenplan, Stockholm Sweden

Like an old classroom biography poster. I give you Chestnut tree!

Beautiful Magnolias outside Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Blasieholmen, Stockholm, Sweden

Nice city planting by Stockholm City, Lejonbacken by the Royal castle, Old Town, Stockholm, Sweden

Primroses in vibrant colors that I planted on the balcony for all neighbors to enjoy.

Älskar hur allt bara spricker ut och blommar och alla gröna vackra färgtoner i staden. I år har jag lyckats tima in alla vackra blomningar bra. Var i Västergötland i april och där var så vackra mossbelagda stenar i skogen, blåsipporna, vitsipporna, lungört, och den för mig nya pestskråpan som är en del av tussilagofamiljen och får blad som blir upp mot 150 cm långa på sommaren... som monster. Nu stod den där i rödbetsfärgade toner och små skira vita blommor, nästan som snökristaller.

Love this time of year and how everything just burst out and start blooming and all the beautiful green shades in the city. This year I have succeeded to time them all at their peak. Was in South West Sweden in April and there was so beautiful rocks full of moss in the forest innermost Scottish greens, blue anemones, wood anemones, lungwort, and for me the new Butterbur which is part of coltsfoot family and get leaves that can grow up to 150 cm long in Summer ... as monsters . Now it stood there in its beetroot purplish tones and small delicate white flowers, almost like snow crystals.

Found these cute furry balls which is a Clematis that gets smal delicate pink Clematis I was told.

Just pure joy Spring green!

They have turned to water on in the park river at Observatorielunden, Stockholm, Sweden

Beautiful vibrant blue anemones!

Pestskråp heter denna växt! The Butterbur plant which is an old healing herb
Tiger lillies almost in bloom already at Kings garden (Kungsträdgården), Stockholm, Sweden

Luscious green moss on Mösseberget in Falköping, Västergötland, south west Sweden

lördag 2 maj 2015


A4 size, watercolor and various pens

A4 size, watercolor and various pens.

Uppdatering nu. Varit bortrest och tyvärr inte kunnat uppdatera men har plåtat mycket så ska försöka uppdatera bättre nu. Här är 2 akvarell och olika pennor alster som jag gjorde för någon vecka sedan. Det som på engelska kallas för doodling. Mycket avkopplande och det blir som det blir.

Finally an updating. Been out of town and unable to update but has shot loads of photos so I hope to update better now. Here are two watercolors and various pencils works I did a few week ago. Doodling. Very relaxing and it develops into whatever!

A card to follow a huse warming gift a while back. watercolor and Promarkers.

The whole painting